Talking computers are already lame. They all do by now. But suddenly you realize that such a speech API also provides data for mouth movements! Those are the moments when you just want to code something. No super-complex 3D avatars. You are a coder and not a graphic artist. So you choose cool talking emojis that are almost perfect with their different mouth shapes. And animations are easy to program with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. From the idea to the implementation the way leads through data, data structures and web technologies to exploit the creative possibilities of coding something in the browser. Let's code!

Teilnahmevoraussetzung: 11-18 Jahren, Englischkenntnisse, ein PC/Laptop mit Internetzugang und Webkamera sowie ein moderner Browser. Alles Wichtige zu Technik und Co erfährst du in einer Infomail vor der Session. Bitte schaue nach, ob deine Mail im Spam Ordner gelandet ist.

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